What is the name of your business? Artwork by Sandra Naufal.
Where are you located? It's a home based business. I often travel to markets and have pop ups Some of my items are at Square Lemon Ottawa, 877A Boyd Avenue; they also have a Shopify Store for their vendors.
How long have you been in business? Since June 2019.
Can customers order from you online? Yes, I currently have a shop on the Ottawa Handmade website or can be messaged on Facebook or Instagram @sandranaufal.
What is your specialty? I paint images on canvas or wood using acrylic paint. Images range from scenery to florals. I love painting children's images as well. My images have been turned into printables on canvas, notecards, bookmarks, stickers, magnets and now I create loot bags with these printables.
A fun fact about your business? I am completely inspired by the people and placed I have visited. For example, the "Fashionsta" art was inspired my daughter, "The Guitar" was inspired by my son and "En Pointe" was inspired by my niece. These pieces have the initial to their first names hidden in each piece.
What will you miss day to day about your business, aside from the business aspect? I am fortunate to be a full time educator but I really will miss the markets I participate in on weekends. There's a wonderful artisan community out there. We lift each other up with tips to succeed and always make sure we are doing "okay" even when times are challenging.
Anything else Ottawans should know about your business? I'm completely inspired by children because I work with them. You'll notice bookmarks and stickers are part of the things I showcase. They're definitely "kid-inspired."